The Masque Of Slaanesh, Lucia
Keeper Of Secrets WIP, Chaladran
This is my Keeper of Secrets. As my army so far is entirely female and I plan to continue it that way. I tried to think of how to make this model look female. I thought about getting a substitute female body to use but I could not find one that was the right size I even looked at toys. I thought about sculpting it. instead i have put it together with some extra talons and I am Deciding whether to add putty to make it appear more female or making it the only male in my army and giving him a big set of balls and a leopard print tabbard in the front only.
Daemon Princess WIP, Sevorinia
This is the new Daemon princess I'm working on. I used one of the Inquisitor range Severina and Sevora Devout models and i gave her dark Pegasus wings. She still needs putty but then again so do most of my models as I'm not that good at it so I have a bad habit of putting it off.
Pink Whores PIP
This is going to be my unit of Pink Whores. (Pink horors of Tzeentch)
Keeping in theme with my sexy army the actual miniatures do not go, so inspired by ricalope I am using Cheerleader models from the blood bowl range.
This one is a tester of the color scheme. I like the idea of candy pink and white stripes.
I will post more as they progress.
Keeping in theme with my sexy army the actual miniatures do not go, so inspired by ricalope I am using Cheerleader models from the blood bowl range.
I will post more as they progress.
A Terrain break
I decided to take a break from painting. So I started making terrain for my daemon world. My idea is that my daemons have taken over a maiden world in the Eye of Terror. Lush jungle everywhere.
I am going to put some more rocks and maybe some crystal clusters on the bases and base them like the rest of my army.
The plants are Aquarium plants and the bases are circles cut out of plastic card.
Lions Tigers And Daemons Oh My!
Daemon Princess Doranni
Fiend of Slaanesh
Flamers WIP
Chaos Furies WIP
I decided that i didn't like the Chaos Furies models. They didn't really go along with my sexy female army plan. So for my second set of major conversions i decided to make my own. I started converting dark elves and dark eldar. By giving them harpie wings and daemonette claws. I even converted a few actual harpies.

They still are not quite finished but i will post completed pics once they are painted.
Intro and Daemmonettes
Hi, Welcome to my Gaming Blog.
I have been dating and living with an avid war-gamer for a while now so i guess being a gamer myself it would only be a mater of time before i picked it up. I decided that I really enjoyed the looks of the Daemons specifically the Slaaneshi daemons. (no Surprise to any who know me) I tried painting a couple of times before and with a master painter to teach me i picked up on it quickly. After reading the rulebooks and deciding what bases to put them on. I picked up my first box of daemonettes June 09. I put the models together without converting them to see if i could actually commit to painting the entire box before deciding to truly go ahead with this new hobby. The ideas I had in vision for this army are way beyond what I am told a Beginner to this hobby normally attempts. But I didn't let that discourage me.
This is the first unit of daemonettes I did as a trial unit.
(The dates on the pictures lie I have a bad habit of not setting the camera dates and time when I change the batteries)

I think they came out quite well and I even Freehanded tattoos on each one. I was so happy with them that I decided the next box would get converted. I don't like that each daemonette only comes with one breast and no nipples so first thing to do is sculpt a new breast on each one and give them nipples. (the nipples are beads found inside a Brita water filter)
I also decided that the needed more arms so I gave each one another arm.

This second unit turned out quite well too. After a few games of both units getting almost wiped out in the shooting phase i decided that maybe they needed to be squads of 15 instead of 10 so i am making more to join these squads.
I have been dating and living with an avid war-gamer for a while now so i guess being a gamer myself it would only be a mater of time before i picked it up. I decided that I really enjoyed the looks of the Daemons specifically the Slaaneshi daemons. (no Surprise to any who know me) I tried painting a couple of times before and with a master painter to teach me i picked up on it quickly. After reading the rulebooks and deciding what bases to put them on. I picked up my first box of daemonettes June 09. I put the models together without converting them to see if i could actually commit to painting the entire box before deciding to truly go ahead with this new hobby. The ideas I had in vision for this army are way beyond what I am told a Beginner to this hobby normally attempts. But I didn't let that discourage me.
This is the first unit of daemonettes I did as a trial unit.
(The dates on the pictures lie I have a bad habit of not setting the camera dates and time when I change the batteries)
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